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Sunday, 30 March 2025
Opening hours
The library is closed


The University Library UWM in Olsztyn enables ordering electronic copies of books or periodical’s fragments  in the form of scans.

To order scans, first search and order them via the Primo multi engine, available on  the Library’s website. 

Start by logging into your library account. As a person entitled to use all the collections, you can see MORE! After logging in, you gain access to books, electronic journals and databases. 

Books or periodicals that are available in the scanning service, have an active link - Photocopy. After clicking the link,you must complete the order form. It is required  to provide the exact data of the ordered photocopy, i.e.:

  • the range of pages "from...to...", in the case of books,
  • page range, year/volume/issue, in the case of periodicals.

After entering the data, confirm the order by clicking the link - Sent Photocopy Request.

Electronic photocopies are sent to the user’s  e-mail address provided in the library system. Make sure that you have provided your current e-mail address when registering your library account.

Remember that the single order for electronic photocopies cannot exceed 50 pages (approx. 25 scans in PDF format). This limit applies to one day's order and as well as one book (due to a copyrights, you can order up to 50 pages of a given publication).

The volume of 50 pages does not include tables of contents and indexes, thw photocopies of which  can be ordered as an aid in identifying the right  content to photocopy.All you need to do is to save your request in the form in the place where the  range of pages is completed.

The deadline of making photocopies, can be one to three working days, depending on the incoming orders.