In connection with the announcement of the Rector of UWM in Olsztyn dated 30.04.2021. The University Library will be open during the following hours:
Monday - Friday - 8:00 am - 06:00 pm (break 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm),
Saturday - 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
The rules of organization of the University Library are in accordance with Appendix No. 3.
The University Library offers you the following forms of work and study:
- Possibility of collecting orders on your own.
- Possibility of using the reading room after previous seat reservation.
- Possibility of receiving an electronic copy of an extract from a book or a magazine.
- Possibility of using electronic forms of interlibrary loan.
Phone and e-mail contact is possible between 8 am - 6 pm:
Information Desk, tel. 89 523 49-84, 89 523 32-74, e-mail: bib.informacja@uwm.edu.pl
Department of Subject Collections, tel. 89 524-64-87, e-mail: bib.kol.dziedz@uwm.edu.pl
Acquisition Department, tel. 89 523 35 80, e-mail: bib.oddzial.gromadzenia@uwm.edu.pl
Main Lending Desk, tel. 89 524-51-66, e-mail: bib.wyp@uwm.edu.pl., Teaching Collection tel. 89 523-36-83, e-mail: bib.kol.dyd@uwm.edu.pl
Department of Special Collections, tel. 89 524-63-05, 89 524-63-44, e-mail: bib.zb.specjalne@uwm.edu.pl
Interlibrary Loans, e-mail only e-mail: bib.wyp.miedzybiblioteczna@uwm.edu.pl
Reference Department and Periodicals Reading Room, tel. 89 523 49 57, bib.oin@uwm.edu.pl,
Additionally we provide the possibility to communicate via e-mail: bib.uwm@uwm.edu.p
Books can be returned only via the 24-hour COLLECTION BOX located at the entrance from the bus stop.
We would also like to remind you that UWM students and staff have the remote access to the UWM e-book and e-journal collection, available from the UWM e-Collections website (https://bu.uwm.edu.pl/pl/e-zbiory), after logging in to the library system.
University Library UWM in Olsztyn, 12B Oczapowskiego, 10-719 Olsztyn
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie, ul. Oczapowskiego 12B, 10-719 Olsztyn