Dear Readers
Pursuant to the regulation No. 44 of the Rector of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn of 08 May 2020 on the amendment of the regulation No. 37/2020 of the Rector of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn of 26 March 2020 on changes in the functioning of the University in the conditions of the epidemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, a loan facility in the University Library is launched on 11 May. We kindly ask you to familiarize yourself thoroughly with the new rules of lending books and invite you to place orders
Attachement to the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Rector’s regulation No. 44/2020 of 6 May 2020
Procedures of sharing the library materials in the period of epidemiological crisis:
- The University Library is open for users weekly from 8 a.m to 3 p.m. Only the ground floor is open (Main Lending Desk). Until further notice, reading rooms, departments with the free access, places in the social space of the Library, individual work cubicles, cloakrooms and lockers in the entrance hall are unavailable for users.
- A one – time limit of users staying at the Library entrance hall is 15.
- At the Main Lending Desk there is a possiblity to collect the books ordered from Storeroom Department, Department of Subject Collections and Interlibrary Loans.
- Using the desktop computer to place an order or consultation with the librarian is allowed. In order to take a stand by the computer, the user is following the same pathway and queueing as the users who waiting for collecting the orders, and after using the computer immediately leaving the place. Printing and Internet access is not provided.
- In cases going beyond collecting the books ordered, e.g. explaining the current library account status or settlement of the lost volumine, an earlier phone or email contact is recommended (89 524 51 66 tel., bib.wyp@uwm.edu.pl e-mail).
- Users are obliged to:
- disinfecting hands at the entrance and wearing protective gloves;
- use their own masks covering mouth and nose;
- use only marked pathways;
- use only indicated desktop computers;
- keep a minimum distance of 2 metres in accordance with the markings;
- leave the building immediately after getting ordered books or using the computer;
- follow other instructions from the Library staff
- People who have used the bookshop services or other external services on the premises of the building, in order to use the library services, are obliged to leave the building temporarily, disinfect their hands, put on protective gloves and join the queue of users waiting for collecting the orders.
- Outside the University Library, only items that can be ordered through a scientific search engine or a traditional computer catalogue, available on the Library's website, are borrowed. Items borrowed outside the University Library have a link to the order in the catalogue.
- It is possible to make returns of the borrowed books only through the collecting box, put next to employees’ entrance to the Library, at Dybowskiego Street (by the bus stop). Returned positions can remain registered at a user’s library account for the period of the essential quarantine (up to the week inclusive). The user is obliged to inform immediately the Department of Lending Rooms about any not registered returns within the above mentioned period, by the phone or email (89 524 51 66 tel., bib.wyp@uwm.edu.pl e-mail).
- The books returned by the collecting box are excluded from the possibility of borrowing for the period of necessary quarantine (7 days).
- The settlements of payments on the library account can be made only in the Libsmart Payment system (PayU) through the library account.
- There is a possibility to order electronic copies of books or periodicals’ extracts.
- Orders for electronic copies should be place through the library system via the scientific search engine or the traditional computer catalogue, available on the Library website. Precise data of the ordered copy is required.
- Electronic copies are sent to the e-mail address given in the library system of the user. In order to ensure efficient electronic communication between the user and the University Library, it is recommended to verify and update the e-mail address used in the "My Account" tab of the library account.
- A single order for electronic copies shall not exceed 50 pages. The volume of 50 pages shall not include tables of contents and indexes, copies of which may be ordered as an aid to identifying the relevant content to be copied
- The time limit for making copies may vary from one to three working days, depending on the orders received.
- The Library of the Theology Faculty (Redykajny, 15 Hozjusza Street), which is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., is available for users in a limited mode only with a pick-up point for ordered books. (with mandatory telephone confirmation of the collection date, telephone no. 89 523 89 75) and a temporary return desk for borrowed books, as well as the possibility of ordering electronic copies at biblioteka@hosianum.edu.pl. The provision of paragraphs 15-16 shall apply accordingly.
- You may contact the other branch libraries to make electronic copies or to order books from tchem by email : bib.informacja@uwm.edu.pl