According to the UWM Rector's Order from the 11th March 2020 on preventing the spread of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus among the University of Warmia and Mazury community, we would like to inform you that the UWM University Library and its branches are closed to the readers from 12th to 28th March 2020.
We also cancel meetings, trainings and trips planned on this date.
Telephone contact: 89 523 33 09 or e-mail: bib.informacja@uwm.edu.pl (between 7-15) is possible.
Moreover, during this period:
• the due dates of returning borrowed books planned on March 12-28 2020 are automatically extended to the 30th March,
• no penalties are charged for keeping borrowed books,
• it is possible to order books via the online catalogue - the collection of the ordered books will be possible after 28th March 2020.
In addition, we would like to remind you that UWM students and employees have a remote access to the electronic books and periodicals subscribed by UWM, available from the Warsaw University Library (BUW) in the "E-Collections" tab (https://bu.uwm.edu.pl/en/e-resources), after logging into the library system.